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Exploring Solar Panels

Mink Solar

Mink Solar is a solar photovoltaic (PV) Project proposed for Defiance & Paulding Counties, Ohio. It will generate clean, emission-free energy and substantial local revenues for decades to come. Mink Solar looks forward to working with the local community in the planning and development of this important Project.

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Significant increase in revenues to local taxing districts.


New job opportunities and career development and support for education and workforce training programs.


Helps local farmers and landowners diversify their income through solar lease payments that can be reinvested in their farms and communities.


At the end of its operational life, the project intends to recycle or reuse the equipment, and the land will again be available for traditional farming.


Taxpayers and landowners are protected against decommissioning costs by Mink Solar's binding commitment to decommission the Project.

Defiance and Paulding Counties, Ohio 

© 2022 by Mink Solar Project

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